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About us

Miroslav Vlček is a prominent Czech bass guitar builder with more than 22 years of experience. He uses modern constructions to build his instruments with neck-through and with a so-called tonal block in the center of the instrument. This construction guarantees a perfect stability of the instrument, tone length, and a specific character of sound. Thanks to apt construction and wood combination every instrument is prepared for each player based on what genre they play or which style of playing they prefer.

“Vlček’s” basses (vlček in the Czech language means little wolf) are mostly assembled from apt acoustic woods from domestic forests such as maple wood, but you can find models combined with exotic and rare woods.

Vlček Basses also develops and produces a complete portfolio of electronics for sound system installation and for operating their instruments. Vlček Basses has a specific setting, configuration and architecture electronics for each possibly desired tone. Thanks to that you can have full control of the final sound of your instrument. The instruments are shaped according to the latest trends and they give top comfort and functionality to professionals, but also to occasional players.

The main impulse to start making basses was lack of high-quality bass guitars in Czechia. Miroslav Vlček started by making an instrument for his own personal use. Afterward, he used his gained experience in the production of bass guitars for his friends and gradually he started making commissioned instruments.

A whole range of many domestic and international artists have grown to like the precise processing of Vlček Basses instruments.


"I make things that I feel good about."


Na internetu jsem narazil na zajímavé baskytary od Mirka Vlčka. Zjistil jsem, že několik mých kolegů si tyto nástroje oblíbilo a nezůstávají jen u jednoho kusu. Mirek Vlček díky své praxi ví, co dělá. Léta vývoje mu dala pochopit jak dřevo, povrchová úprava, design, hardware nebo elektronika bude na nástroji fungovat.
Tento konstruktér neustrnul a díky neustálé sebe-evoluci dospěl k vlastním modelům a nabízí tedy to, co považuje za to nejlepší (…a ceny jsou opravdu přívětivé). Pokud máte vlastní představu z jakého dřeva, nebo jakými prvky nástroj vybavit, u Mirka nenarazíte. Jeho dílna je otevřená Vašim přáním. Z osobní zkušenosti ale dávám raději přednost tomu co má kytarář vyzkoušené, nebo si pohrávám jen s vratnými změnami.
text: časopis Muzikus (Zdeněk Wimpy Tichota)

Once when I was just browsing through the Internet I ran across interesting bass guitars by Mirek Vlček. I found out that some of my colleagues liked those instruments and they didn’t have just one. Mirek Vlček knows what he’s doing that to his praxis. Years of development gave him the understanding of not just the woods, but also surface finish, design, hardware and knowing which electronics will work for which instrument.
This constructor didn’t stagnate and thanks to continuing self-evolution he arrived at making his own models and he offers what he considers to be the best (… and the prices are more than amiable). If you have your own vision of what wood you want to use or which pieces of equipment you want it to have, you won’t hit a wall with Mirek. His workshop is open to all of Your wishes. From my personal experience,

I have a preference of what the guitar-maker tested or I play with changes that are reversible.

text: časopis Muzikus (Zdeněk Wimpy Tichota)

“Encontré en internet unos bajos interesantes de Mirek Vlček. Averigué que algunos de mis colegas se habían enamorado de estos instrumentos y que no se quedaban solo con uno. Gracias a su experiencia, Mirek Vlček sabe muy bien que hace. A lo largo de los años de desarrollo ha comprendido cómo en un instrumento va a funcionar la madera, el acabado, el diseño, el hardware y la electrónica.
Este luthier no se quedó estancado y, debido a la autoevolución, llegó a hacer sus propios modelos, es decir lo que él considera lo mejor (y los precios  son realmente interesantes). Si tenéis vuestra propia visión de con qué madera y componentes armar vuestro instrumento os va a escuchar. Su taller está abierto a vuestros deseos. Desde mi propia experiencia prefiero lo que el luthier tiene probado o jugar solo con los cambios reversibles.“
texto: revista Muzikus (Zdeněk Wimpy Tichota)

Vlček basses

Miroslav Vlček

Jackov 68
67541 Nové Syrovice
tel: +420 603 545 131

skype mirvlk13

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© 2022 Vlček Basses, Czech Republic

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